Internet Society Fundamentals for Chapters
In its first year, the program consists of two full weeks of webinars linked to Internet Society projects. Sessions will be held from 12-23 April, 2021.
During each webinar, we will cover the project’s main concepts with a focus on narrative and strategies to approach multiple audiences. In this way, Chapter members can feel empowered to raise awareness through concrete local initiatives that support the development and positioning of the Chapter.
In 2021, Internet Society Fundamentals is open to all Chapter Members* whose Chapters are subscribed to the program. Members who are eligible to participate will receive the registration details by email. Sessions are in English, Spanish and French, and will be held in four time zones. In order to get a Certificate of Completion, each participant must perform a local awareness initiative based on the content and the information shared during the webinars. Initiatives must be arranged locally with Chapter coordinators assigned to the program.